The GlassSeller Twitter account has been set up to inform its followers of related news and other matters that may be of interest.
From time to time I may share items or talk about products or services we think are interesting. This does not mean I am agreeing or supporting a point of view or endorsing a product or service. And I cannot guarantee the accuracy of content not posted by me.
If you can’t access the social network at all, it is up to the individual social network to fix this and it isn’t something that I can resolve.
If you follow me, you can expect tweets covering some or all of the following:
- Updates on the activities of Gwen Rhys and organisations with which I am associated (eg Worshipful Company of Glass Sellers, Needlemakers, Spectacle Makers, Women in the City)
- Requests for information and assistance
- Comment on media stories relating to my prospective non-Aldermanic Shriveal campaign and issues relating to the Civic City of London and the Mayoralty
- Re-tweets from organisations that Gwen Rhys is following
If you follow me on Twitter we will not automatically follow you back.
I am happy for you to share and comment on content that I post to my official social media profiles, provided that you do not alter it and that you cite me as the source. Please be aware that the design of these profiles and content that I post on them is the copyright of Gwen Rhys and my rights are reserved. All trade marks, company names, logos and designs used on our official social media profiles are the intellectual property of either Gwen Rhys or Networking Culture Limited.
Being followed by us does not imply endorsement of any kind.
Contacting us
We are unable to monitor Twitter round the clock. However we will endeavor to answer all sensible tweeted questions. Please be aware that due to privacy it may not be possible to answer all tweet questions.