We had a great turn out for our Summer Court Dinner and were delighted to be joined by the Masters of the following companies:
Glovers, Master Mariners, Plumbers, Spectacle Makers and the Livery Company of Wales.
Our Church service took a “Songs of Praise” format and the sermon and readings reflected the theme of Charity. Our Immediate Past Master, Alderman Sheriff Parmley was the organist and we had several rousing Welsh hymns.
During the Dinner, Cumar Vasudeva (below) one of the Company’s Abbott Scholars spoke about the benefit of receiving his bursary to help support his study at Cambridge where he is reading for a degree in Engineering.
Our Guests were welcomed by Liveryman, Dr Chris Stoot and our Keynote Speaker was The Rt Hon Sir Tony Baldry who, since stepping down as an MP, clearly has some time on his hands – his fact-filled address gave us all great insight into the history of our church, St James Garlickhythe, as well as the Company.
The Court Meeting
The Church Service
The Dinner
The Food by Life’s Kitchen
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Photos: Karla Gowlett
If you’d like to attend our next Dinner on 24 September please email me
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