The City of London is unique in electing its Sheriffs – in other parts of the country they are appointed.
Liverymen are invited to attend Common Hall which is held in Guildhall, Gresham Street, EC2. This year the election takes place on Monday 25 June. Each candidate will give a short presentation after which Liverymen are invited to cast their vote by raising a hand for their preferred candidate. Each Liveryman has 2 votes and it is customary to cast one for the Aldermanic Sheriff and one for the non-Aldermanic Sheriff.
By signing up to support my candidature on this website, you are signalling to the Livery and to the wider City of London that you believe I, together with the Aldermanic Sheriff) will be able to support the Lord Mayor of the City of London in promoting the City at home and overseas.
If you agree to your name being published it will be shown on my Liveryman Supporters or Wider City Supporters pages.
Please complete the short form below.